DateContentLikesDiamondsCommentsRepostsQuoteRepostsQuote RepostsImpact
Dec 10, 5:58PM 2022
Fascinating to follow the Twitter Files story. Enjoying all the debates with friends over what shou ... 57 51 13 7 5 265
Dec 07, 2:09PM 2022
(reposting fede) ... 0 1 0 0 0 3
Nov 18, 6:00PM 2022
Seeing my LI feed full of Twitter resignation announcements, and seeing a lot of people deactivating ... 101 72 20 13 3 392
Nov 11, 7:06PM 2022
So how were my first two weeks in web3 (as a web2 guy)? As I wrap my second week at DeSo, wanted to ... 173 183 55 24 15 925
Nov 08, 11:01AM 2022
(img) Why I Moved into Web3 and Joined Decentralized Social Leveraging blockchain to power the next ... 316 293 164 59 30 1731



Overall stats for @SalilShah:

Total Posts
Total Posts:5
with NFT:0
with Pic:1
with Vid:0
in Global:0
Likes Likes received
Likes / post:129.4
Likes / Repost:0.0
Likes / NFT post:0
Likes / Pic post:316.0
Likes / Vid post:0
Likes / Global post:0
Diamonds Diamonds received
Diamonds / post:120.0
Diamonds / Repost:1.0
Diamonds / NFT post:0
Diamonds / Pic post:293.0
Diamonds / Vid post:0
Diamonds / Global post:0
Comments Comments received
Comments / post:50.4
Comments / Repost:0.0
Comments / NFT post:0
Comments / Pic post:164.0
Comments / Vid post:0
Comments / Global post:0
Reposts received
QuoteReposts received
Interactions per post
% posts to Global




Monthly stats for @SalilShah:

Year/MonthTotal PostsLikesDiamondsCommentsRepostsQuoteRepostsQuote RepostsImpact
2022 - 1135905482399648 3048
2022 - 12257521375 268