DateContentLikesDiamondsCommentsRepostsQuoteRepostsQuote RepostsImpact
Apr 18, 10:44AM 2022
(global) (img) Good morning 🙂 ... 97 40 13 2 2 253
Apr 06, 9:10AM 2022
(global) (img) Island views 🌴 ... 37 19 9 1 0 114
Mar 25, 3:24PM 2022
(global) Happy Friday ☀️ ... 42 18 13 0 0 122
Dec 28, 10:30PM 2021
(global) Officially COVID free ✨. Thanks for all the well wishes! ... 93 26 13 1 0 199
Dec 23, 9:56PM 2021
(global) And of course -- the lovely @matreshka. Thank you 🙏 ... 17 4 0 0 0 29
Dec 23, 9:35PM 2021
(global) The DeSo Degen Disco is so 🔥, it's making me forget that I have COVID. Thanks @Tropix and @ ... 66 46 26 5 2 272
Dec 03, 2:02PM 2021
(global) Fun fact of the day: Your OG node admin is a woman 💁🏻‍♀️✨💅 ... 87 18 15 3 3 186
Oct 11, 9:27PM 2021
(reposting PixelPirates) ... 77 2 2 0 0 87
Aug 08, 2:23PM 2021
(reposting mubashariqbal) ... 64 4 2 0 0 80
Jul 23, 2:00PM 2021
(reposting maebeam) ... 20 1 0 0 0 23
Jun 03, 3:11PM 2021
(global) Tick tock...🕰 ... 213 20 117 4 2 521
Jun 03, 3:10PM 2021
(reposting diamondhands) ... 111 1 0 0 0 114
Jun 03, 2:47PM 2021
(reposting maebeam) ... 57 1 0 0 0 60
Jun 01, 11:25AM 2021
(reposting LazyNina) ... 4 3 0 0 0 13



Overall stats for @sjg:

Total Posts
Total Posts:14
with NFT:0
with Pic:2
with Vid:0
in Global:8
Likes Likes received
Likes / post:70.4
Likes / Repost:55.5
Likes / NFT post:0
Likes / Pic post:67.0
Likes / Vid post:0
Likes / Global post:81.5
Diamonds Diamonds received
Diamonds / post:14.5
Diamonds / Repost:2.0
Diamonds / NFT post:0
Diamonds / Pic post:29.5
Diamonds / Vid post:0
Diamonds / Global post:23.9
Comments Comments received
Comments / post:15.0
Comments / Repost:0.7
Comments / NFT post:0
Comments / Pic post:11.0
Comments / Vid post:0
Comments / Global post:25.8
Reposts received
QuoteReposts received
Interactions per post
% posts to Global




Monthly stats for @sjg:

Year/MonthTotal PostsLikesDiamondsCommentsRepostsQuoteRepostsQuote RepostsImpact
2021 - 0643852511742 708
2021 - 071201000 23
2021 - 081644200 80
2021 - 101772200 87
2021 - 124263945495 686
2022 - 03142181300 122
2022 - 042134592232 367