DateContentLikesDiamondsCommentsRepostsQuoteRepostsQuote RepostsImpact
Jun 21, 1:11PM 2022
(reposting Matreshka) ... 35 1 0 0 0 38
May 25, 7:40PM 2022
(global) account reporting is working again, thanks everyone for your patience! if you reported an a ... 26 10 0 1 0 58
May 18, 8:01PM 2022
(global) hi fam! we are experiencing some technical difficulties with scam reporting (specifically a ... 28 12 2 1 1 73
May 10, 1:56PM 2022
(reposting nader) ... 13 1 0 0 0 16
Apr 29, 3:17PM 2022
(reposting nader) ... 18 1 0 0 0 21
Apr 27, 4:05PM 2022
(reposting nader) ... 11 1 1 0 0 16
Mar 31, 6:24PM 2022
(reposting danielkeyes) ... 6 1 0 0 0 9
Feb 25, 1:31PM 2022
(reposting FastFreddie) ... 11 1 0 0 0 14
Feb 22, 6:57PM 2022
(reposting TheDJL) ... 14 1 0 0 0 17
Jan 02, 3:46PM 2022
(reposting mossified) ... 22 1 0 0 0 25
Dec 11, 4:56PM 2021
(reposting ernestvinas) ... 29 1 0 0 0 32
Dec 05, 10:32PM 2021
(reposting Homsi) ... 26 1 0 0 0 29
Dec 05, 10:22PM 2021
(reposting Homsi) ... 9 1 0 0 0 12
Dec 05, 10:21PM 2021
(NFT) hi friends! seems like a lot of people are getting DMs from an imposter account pretending to ... 31 10 4 2 1 76
Nov 03, 7:53PM 2021
(reposting znmead) ... 42 1 1 0 0 47
Oct 20, 2:38PM 2021
(reposting nader) ... 25 1 0 0 0 28
Oct 05, 8:55PM 2021
(global) (NFT) h/t to freddie who did such a siq job on this 🤘 ... 73 15 13 0 0 144
Aug 31, 7:37PM 2021
(reposting yigitcakar) ... 30 1 0 0 0 33
Aug 27, 8:53PM 2021
(reposting diamondhands) ... 7 1 0 0 0 10
Aug 26, 1:25AM 2021
(global) diamonds 4 punz ~ topaz puns, commence! ... 39 27 11 2 2 152
Aug 25, 1:26AM 2021
(reposting clayoglesby) ... 3 1 0 0 0 6
Aug 24, 12:36PM 2021
(NFT) test 1 2 3 ... 20 10 11 1 1 77
Aug 17, 5:26PM 2021
f yeah! ヽ(´ー`)ノ ... 20 8 4 0 0 52
Aug 12, 4:56PM 2021
drippin $wagoo ... 14 6 3 0 0 38
Aug 08, 2:21PM 2021
(reposting mubashariqbal) ... 2 1 0 0 0 5
Aug 06, 12:47AM 2021
wow thank you everyone who is reading this for believing in me :’) I promise you nothing but fast em ... 37 16 13 1 0 113
Aug 06, 12:02AM 2021
(NFT) hello ~ ... 22 16 5 1 0 82
Aug 04, 3:23PM 2021
(reposting diamondhands) ... 0 1 0 0 0 3



Overall stats for @topaz:

Total Posts
Total Posts:28
with NFT:4
with Pic:0
with Vid:0
in Global:4
Likes Likes received
Likes / post:21.9
Likes / Repost:16.8
Likes / NFT post:36.5
Likes / Pic post:0
Likes / Vid post:0
Likes / Global post:41.5
Diamonds Diamonds received
Diamonds / post:5.3
Diamonds / Repost:1.0
Diamonds / NFT post:12.8
Diamonds / Pic post:0
Diamonds / Vid post:0
Diamonds / Global post:16.0
Comments Comments received
Comments / post:2.4
Comments / Repost:0.1
Comments / NFT post:8.2
Comments / Pic post:0
Comments / Vid post:0
Comments / Global post:6.5
Reposts received
QuoteReposts received
Interactions per post
% posts to Global




Monthly stats for @topaz:

Year/MonthTotal PostsLikesDiamondsCommentsRepostsQuoteRepostsQuote RepostsImpact
2021 - 0811194884753 571
2021 - 10298161300 172
2021 - 111421100 47
2021 - 1249513421 149
2022 - 011221000 25
2022 - 022252000 31
2022 - 03161000 9
2022 - 042292100 37
2022 - 0536723221 147
2022 - 061351000 38