Life On A Drip
What you are about to read may or may not be true as it was written by a delusional mind, It is up to you to decide. This book contains the stories told by a man living with D.I.D "Dissociative Identity Disorder" and psycosis do to a lifelong experimentation with all kinds of substances, trauma, and sleep deprivation. As you read you will find many grammatical errors this is not an editors or publishers error, this was requested by the creator of Life on a Drip to give the reade
What you are about to read may or may not be true as it was written by a delusional mind, It is up to you to decide. This book contains the stories told by a man living with D.I.D "Dissociative Identity Disorder" and psycosis do to a lifelong experimentation with all kinds of substances, trauma, and sleep deprivation. As you read you will find many grammatical errors this is not an editors or publishers error, this was requested by the creator of Life on a Drip to give the reade