Buying 40 Bitcoin @ $25 Each & Met Gary Vaynerchuk

Short story on an early memory in the crypto OG days, meeting the king of social media

ryancharleston's Recent Blog Posts

This NFT is no ordinary NFT. It was the catalyst for developing a new approach to growing a social following and pre-selling digital products.
3 months ago
Short story on an early memory in the crypto OG days, meeting the king of social media
3 months ago
A map visualizing the landscape of decentralized social networks, web3 social apps and open social protocols.
3 months ago
Lens DAUs are down to 1k, but probably just growing pains for one of the top onchain social platforms.
3 months ago
Growth metrics may be down, but DeSo is a sleeping giant in the world of onchain social media.
3 months ago