#47: DeSo protects original thinkers

By providing a clear trail of ideas up to their source and the ability to pay gate content, DeSo provides IP rights and incentives for original thinking

theideaguy's Recent Blog Posts

While the last couple of cycles have seen the dominance of General Purpose Blockchains like Eth, DeSo is starting the paradigm of application specific blockchains
5 months ago
While the integrated approach won in the first generation blockchains and the modular in the second, it's time to place bets on which approach will win the third.
5 months ago
Most decentralized social projects follow a modular approach using existing blockchains while DeSo is following an integrated approach by creating a new layer 1 blockchain
5 months ago
While modular approaches offer the promise of building on existing L1s, integrated approaches offer ease of use
5 months ago