How many of know what this is, but fail to practice is? Do we teach it, but also implement it into our daily lives? If not, I strongly suggest / encourage us all to start practicing more of it.
When discussing recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction, I think it is important to talk about the phrase ‘just another day’, especially during the holidays.
Prudence is defined as having the ability to govern oneself & discipline oneself with reason; the exercise of good judgement as it relates to resources; or careful decision-making.
Justice, in accordance with Catholicism & its Catechism, is coined as a moral virtue that exists and “consists in the constant & firm will to give their due to God & neighbor.”
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, temperance is moderation in one’s actions, thoughts, or feelings. This is also a virtue. Let’s take a deeper dive into this concept.
Many times, throughout our lives, we are faced with the unknown. When we experience uncertainty, it can create many things for us, such as worries and anxieties about the future.