The Baal Shem Tov (17th-century mystic) had the privilege to learn Torah with Elijah the Prophet (900 BCE).
For hundreds of years, people did not understand this concept.
How can someone learn from someone who passed away thousands of years before him?
The sages say Elijah the Prophet came in disguised as a scholar to teach him.
You can say Baal Shem Tov was in a spiritually elevated consciousness to merit this.
But what if everyone had the possibility to learn from Elijah the Prophet?
For hundreds of years, people did not understand this concept.
How can someone learn from someone who passed away thousands of years before him?
The sages say Elijah the Prophet came in disguised as a scholar to teach him.
You can say Baal Shem Tov was in a spiritually elevated consciousness to merit this.
But what if everyone had the possibility to learn from Elijah the Prophet?