#41: Psuedonymity

TradSo allowed real user name and real faces while keeping the database closed. DeSo reverses by keeping the database open but using psuedonymous names instead.

theideaguy's Recent Blog Posts

The original internet protocols just transmitted data but did not store or index it. This lack of storage allowed big tech companies to fill that void.
4 months ago
Despite our rapid progress in information technology, information protocols haven't upgraded in 3 decades. DeSo is the first new information protocol upgrade fit for today's times.
6 months ago
In a world where AI can create products out of any idea and in a world where DeSo protects ideators, we will see a return to ideators.
7 months ago
In a world where AI can create products out of any idea and in a world where DeSo protects ideators, we will see a return to ideators.
7 months ago
In a world where AI can create products out of any idea and in a world where DeSo protects ideators, we will see a return to ideators.
7 months ago