#41: Psuedonymity

TradSo allowed real user name and real faces while keeping the database closed. DeSo reverses by keeping the database open but using psuedonymous names instead.

theideaguy's Recent Blog Posts

In a world where AI can create products out of any idea and in a world where DeSo protects ideators, we will see a return to ideators.
7 months ago
By allowing capital to be invested at the idea stage instead of execution stage, we improve the basic innovation cycle of the society
7 months ago
With the ability to invest in every word and see the social sentiment of the whole world for a word, DeSo makes investing in ideas possible.
7 months ago
By providing a clear trail of ideas up to their source and the ability to pay gate content, DeSo provides IP rights and incentives for original thinking
7 months ago
LLMs can create infinite combinations of things it has seen but it can't come up with original things. Thus original thinking becomes the most important work in the age of AI
7 months ago